Individual Projects for Tire Manufacturers

CASE STUDY 1 : Metal Detectors To Detect Metal Pieces in Rubber 

PROBLEM : A tire plant was experiencing a large number of false alarms from its metal detectors resulting in forced production stoppages leading to a decline in productivity.

It is very critical to detect metal pieces in the rubber being processed (e.g. calendering, extrusion), and these are critical processes in rubber goods or tire manufacturing plants. What happens if you miss detecting metals? In calendering, you damage your calender rolls. In Extrusion; you damage the screw in your barrel. This is a very risky and costly end result to correct.

That’s why metal detectors are installed when there is damage risk as mentioned above. Yet there is another problem arising from the misapplication or due to inconvenient metal detector usage; this is a False Alarm signal given from the metal detector. Because every false alarm cause production losses due to stoppage and checking of the metal to remove. It may become tedious intervention for the operator when happens frequently in a few hours.

SOLUTION : Mr. Koral visited the plant and investigated the metal detectors, soon discovering their limitations. He began to research suppliers for a more reliable metal detection system. After speaking with suppliers in Turkey and around the globe, Mr. Koral traveled to Germany that same week, and met with a German metal detector supplier who provided three units for a verification test period. The new metal detectors considerably reduced the number of false alarms resulting in the customer purchasing the detectors.

RESULT: False alarm cases dropped dramatically at this plant. Other plants within the region learned about the production increase and false alarms decrease and decided to upgrade accordingly to the German metal detectors.

CASE STUDY 2 : Air blisters in tires

PROBLEM : A tire manufacturing company experienced air blisters in the innerliner used in their truck/bus radial tires. Previously, the plant invested in a European calender but it was costly and the plant was seeking better technology for a lower investment.

SOLUTION : At the time, C&C Core Competence Industrial Consultancy did not have an exclusive partner so Mr. Koral connected with a Chinese calender supplier. After visiting on site, discussing the client’s needs, Mr. Koral secured an innerliner calender for a reasonable cost with superior technology. It has been successfully working in the plant since 2016.

RESULT: The plant increased its performance and is extremely happy with the long-term results. Additionally, our relationship with the supplier from China, TST (Tianjin Saixiang Technology) has grown. TST has an exclusive representative now in the Turkey market and beyond.

Please contact us today and let us know how we can help your company.
